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Here is why you need a small picture! It is for your week-long metro pass.
The Beginning
After our quick lunch, we headed back to the Hotel, which is where we met Rolinka to sort out our group meals, metro card, and to receive our Vox Box.

Meeting the Group
Later, we met the group; everyone was from different states which was nice! Before going to dinner, we learned how to use our Vox Box and how to listen to Rolinka through the earphone.
We went to our first group dinner and were assigned buddies. This is for buddy checks that happen every day before we leave different places on our itinerary to ensure the whole group is together. My buddy was Arnold, Mikaela's was George, and Brandi's was Gene-who we ate dinner with.

Dinner was nice and different. I got escargot, which I loved. Now, I have had it before, but now I can say I had it in France. Mikaela got this salad that ended up having edible flowers on it, so all in all, the meal was...très savoureux!!
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